So imagine the happiness that was felt when we got to the Cooper River Bridge Run Expo to find a plethora of such devices. There were several different vendors with cool packs that would carry his iphone, ipod, nike sport kit, money, ID, credit cards, etc. He settle on a neat looking pack that had 2 pockets (one with an inside credit card pocket), it was like a sea blue color. On the morning of the race he put on his belt and found that one of the zippers didn't stayed open. Bummer, but at least he had the other pocket and was happy with that at least. When we got to the race site, the second pocket split. Grrrr. Everything stayed in his pockets while he ran, but he wasn't happy having spent good money on this device to not even get to wear it once before it fell apart. We decided we would look for the vendor at the "after party" after the pace.
While we were waiting for the start of the race Chris starting talking about all the technology he had on him and he started adding it up. I think the total count was something like 9. Let's see: iphone, ipod, nike sport kit, sport watch, cool ear phones, ear phone wrapper, the new belt (from iFitness), tech shirt, I'm sure there is more, but I can't think of them. So in all of his tech geekdom we had to give him a special name, which is why he now know as Utility Belt Boy.
More about the broken belt: When we got to the "after party" there was no iFitness tent to be found. I told Chris he should find their website and write them to see they would send him a new belt, considering what had happened. He was not optimist about this approach, but decided to see what would happen. Well good news, they were apologetic about what happened and sent him out a new belt right away. In fact he wore the belt today on our run. It's not fun not having something that works the first time, but it's nice to have a company that would rectify what happened and act swiftly to make it right. Yea iFitness!
Here is what the iFitness belt that Chris got looks like: