What a GREAT weekend of Riding and Friends! I love being able to get out on my bike and just enjoy the day, I love it more when I am surrounded by others who enjoy the same thing.
The original plan was to drive to Edenton on Thursday night after work, pitch our tents and get a good nights sleep and do a 50-ish mile ride when we got up. After considering the time frame of when we would get to Edenton we decided to wait to leave on Friday morning and get to Edenton in time to set up, eat lunch, and do a shorter ride. Well, I'm glad the original plan didn't work out for us because Thursday night in Edenton was a doozy. Apparently it rained cats and dogs all night long (as it did here in Raleigh) and on top of that a small tornado popped out and had a little fun at the camp site. I didn't hear that anyone was hurt, thank goodness, but I did hear some stories. One tent flew 6 blocks away, a tree landed on a tent with someone in it (but not on the person), a chimney fell off the Barker House (one of the places hosting our big dinner Saturday night), so needless to say there was a lot of noise and wetness on Thursday night.
When we arrived on Friday the weather was still iffy. People were in pretty good spirits, but there were lots of puddles to go around to find a good spot to pitch the tents. Kim, Bob, and I drove down together. Kim and I have been friends and training partners for awhile and we did the Spring ride last year together. Bob is Kim's 71 year old neighbor who (when the weather is good) does a weekly 45 mile ride with Kim, along with other rides throughout the week. Ohh the joys of being retired. Kim and I were sharing a tent, and in fact she had pretty much lent me most of the camping stuff I have (minus the camp mat that I wrote about in the last post). We found our "ideal" camp area (anyway from the main group but not to far away from the showers and toilets), and set up 3 tents (one for Kim and I, Bob's tent, and one for Ruth and Jake), we didn't have Janet and Jason's tent but we held a spot for them with our camp chairs. After getting all of our stuff together we changed into cycling gear got our bikes together and went out in search of lunch. A very nice woman from Edenton suggested our lunch location (The Edenton Bay Oyster Bar) and told us how to get there on our bikes. Off we went with happy thoughts of a good lunch to fuel our ride. Ahhh but on our short little jaunt to the restaurant it decided to down pour on us. So we ended up soaked to the bone and barely able to see the sign to the restaurant, but we made it there. They welcomed us in and gave us a warm batch of hush puppies (YUMMY), because the felt so bad for us. While eating the sun came out and it looked like the day was going to turn out alright after all.

After our satisfying lunch we went out and did a 10 mile ride to test out the weather, and after the 10 mile route we did a 23 mile route and it was beautiful. We passed by the sound, the marshy trees, beautiful fields, and a few cows. There was a little bit of wind but it didn't seem to bad. There is a paper mill in a near by town so there were a few big trucks coming by and the only scary moment of the "ride" on Friday was when we were waiting to cross over a street a big truck came hauling down the street we were waiting to cross and nearly knocked us over as we were standing with our feet on the ground. When we got back to the camp site, Ruth and Jake had arrived and we all set out to get dinner (after our shower). We ended up at Watermans and just in time, got a table right away and had a good dinner. Kim and I stayed up and sampled some of the beer out of the canoe at the Trading Company's back patio, while waiting for Janet and Jason to arrive. They made it there at about 9:45 and we held lights up while they set up their tent. It was a cold night and I was really glad I brought my snuggie, cause it kept me nice and cozy through the night.

Saturday was an Amazing Day. Woke up a little cold still, but knew it was going to warm up to a comfortable temperature. Went in search of some Hot Chocolate (it was cold and I don't drink coffee). The first place we went to turned out to be a dud, it was sad because we waiting to see if they had hot chocolate, then ordered it 3 times and finally gave up as it seemed they were never going to actually make it. We ended up going across the street to the coffee house (DUH) and they were AWESOME!! They had their act together and Kim and I were sipping some tasty hot chocolate in no time. Back to the camp site we went and had our breakfast of bagels and peanut butter and Kim had her orange. Into our cycling gear we got and decisions were made about mileage. The Girls (Ruth, Kim, Janet and I) had been out on our bikes a few more times then the guys (Bob, Jake, and Jason). So the Girls decided on the 53 mile route while the Boys decided on a 35 mile route. Kim, Janet, and I were wearing our cereal jerseys so our tradition of being the "Cereal Killers" could continue, and Ruth wore her Oscar the Grouch Jersey. We had a fun time, but the wind was brutal and it felt like it followed us around to taunt us at every turn changing direction just so it could be a headwind. Needless to say our 53 mile bike ride felt like it was 153 mile bike ride. I don't know if there were any truly easy spots on the ride (because of the wind).
At the first rest stop we reloaded with a few M&M cookies, empty out what needed to go out in the porta-johns, and got our picture taken from a guy who works for Kellogg's. Our cereal jerseys are all Kellogg's- Frosted Flakes (Kim), Fruit Loops (Janet), Corn Pops (me), and Stephanie who wasn't here on this trip has the Rice Krispie Jersey. At the second rest stop they had COKE and I was HAPPY! They also had PB&J sandwiches, bananas, trail mix, cookies, and a raffle for free beer. I am very lucky to be able to ride with some of my very speedy friends and some day I will be able to keep up with them. Towards the end of the ride the wind started to die down, but of course by then I was spent and Janet was hurting a little. Kim was happy, but Kim is ALWAYS HAPPY. Ruth who pulled us a good bit of the way decided to put her legs to use and ride the last 5-7 miles going 20mph.....she is a ROCK STAR!! I was never so happy to see our shower truck! Lunch was found after we took a shower and a some time to stretch. Saturday night was the free dinner that came with our weekend, but after our late lunch I was having a hard time finding room to eat anything. I did however find room for the free beer. The night ended again with a bunch of us at the back patio of the Trading Company.

Sunday dawned after a very windy night....or at least it sounded like it in the tent. We reevaluated how we felt and some of us went out for the 23 mile ride. We made Jason lead because we figured his legs were in the best shape of all of us. It was a beautiful ride (in fact it was the same ride as I did on Friday), with great friends. Jason and Ruth even ended up switching up bikes so Jason could see what a Tri bike feels like. I'm not sure he fully understood the awesomeness of Ruth's bike. I mean I haven't even ridden Ruth's bike. In fact I am scared to ride Ruth's bike (I don't want to be the one to fall and scratch her baby). After the ride we took our showers, packed up our camp sites and got all the cars packed up for the ride home. Ruth and Jake said goodbye and headed back to Raleigh, while the rest of decided to find some Sunday Brunch. Yummy food was found again, and after brunch we said bye to Janet and Jason and Kim drove us back to Raleigh.
I had wonderful time hanging out with my bicycle friends this weekend. I love to be on my bike, outside, enjoying my surroundings. Maybe next year more of you....will join me!!