What a Great Run!
Savannah is a Interesting City. I started off the weekend thinking it would be more like Charleston, but it's more gritty, more down to earth and maybe a little less "Cool", but it was so much FUN!
Jason decided that he did not want to come to Savannah and do this run, this year. No worries though, because my friend Chris was up for the challenge! Unfortunately, or Fortunately (depends on how you look at it) my car was still in the shop from the Pre-Thanksgiving wheel running over incident. So I still have the rental car, which is what we took down to Savannah. Nice to not use up miles on either my or Chris' car's. We did make a quick stop to South of the Border, cheesy little stop over. I will have pics up on my other blog! I think we left Raleigh at about 9:45 and got into Savannah around 4:30- it took as awhile to go up the road, but it was fun!

We kept hearing how hard the bridge would be to run. I thought nothing of it. People said Cooper River was a hard bridge, and we didn't really think it was. Well Folks, it was a HARD bridge to run!! It was a fairly steep incline and a very LONG incline! Ohh and you had to do it twice, run over and back! It was AWESOME! Hard, but AWESOME! Ohh and I got a PR! So we all know I'm not fast, but I'm proud of what I can do! Earlier this year when I did Cooper River (remember not as hard) it took me 1:11.51, this run took me 1:08.49. YAY me! I'm hoping this year's Cooper River will have me cutting a little more time off. Savannah also only had 5,000 people total doing the 3 runs (5K) (10K) which I did and the double pump (5K) + (10K). Savannah also had free beer, not good beer but free and stew at the end, along with banana's, oranges, and some weird danish thing. Ohh and a little sweat towel. They are my best friend! They had extra, so I now have 5 of them!!*smiles* You can see me sporting the towel in the pictures above and below.
Big differences between the two bridge runs
1. Incline (degree and distance of)
2. going over the bridge once vs. going over and coming back
3. 40,000 people vs 5,000 people
4. Free Beer and Brunswick Stew at the end vs Free Bagels at the end

Splits for my run which my run meter said was 6.31 mile.
mile 1- average 11:24, fastest 8:38, climb of 21 feet
mile 2- average 11:05, fastest 8:43, climb of 21 feet
mile 3- average 10:49, fastest 8:45, climb of 184 feet
mile 4- average 10:04, fastest 8:37, climb of 54 feet
mile 5- average 11:36 , fastest 9:03, climb of 106 feet
mile 6- average 10:15, fastest 8:55, climb of 82 feet
mile 6.31- average 11:32, fastest 9:35, climb of 0 feet
TOTAL- AVERAGE 10:54, FASTEST 8:37, CLIMB of 873 feet, CALORIES 873
This run also had some great costumes! To those who wear costumes while running, good on ya. I'm no where near being able to do that. I swear I just sweat to much for that! A couple of my favorites are these:
The Tortoise and the Hare
The Reindeer Girls