Gary Kirby Tri (2008)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Race Day is Tomorrow....

I'm up and I've walked Scout, I've even gone by the set up area for the Gary Kirby Tri (the Sprint Tri, in my neighborhood) this morning. Everyone was getting all their stuff together in transition and warming up in the pool. I told a few spectators the good spot to be at (to see their people the most), the round-a-bout that the bike and the run goes through. Happy to help people find good spots to cheer on their folks! Talked to one of the vendors (selling ITRI, IRUN, ICYCLE, dri-fit T's), he won't be at my race tomorrow, but said he did it a couple of years ago and it's a good race! I told them that they just re-paved a couple of the roads....and he said that the ride would be AWESOME then. I'm kinda excited about that.

Going through all the stuff I'm going to need. I have most stuff packed up, but realized as I was going through stuff in my head that I have NONE of my swimming stuff packed. HA!! That would not of been a good thing. So I'll get my goggles, a spare cap, a spare suit (in case of ??), my wetsuit, and baby shampoo (it works as anti-fog), in my bag this morning.

I also need to go get a battery powered fan for sleeping in the tent tonight. Think I'll go hit up Target in just a little bit. I'll get the fan and some gallon jugs of bottled water. I'll need to go to HT to get my banana nut muffin for pre-race food. Ummmm...I'm sure there is more stuff I "need" but can't think of it right now.

Gonna go get my swim stuff together right now, go clean my bike up a little bit, go take a shower, get dressed, go to Target and get my stuff, go get some lunch, come home and de-stress for a little bit before Kim and Stephanie come to pick me up. Then we go to packet pick up, to the camp site, get our tent's all set up and hang out.

Arrrrggggghhhhhh......pre race jitters that start the day before is nerve racking!! Think calming thoughts for me!!

1 comment:

  1. GOOD LUCK CHRISSY!!! I know you will do great! :) I will be out there in the morning to cheer you on! Let me know what time you start when you get done with packet pick up today.
