It didn't go so well. Eating at 6-6:30 and running at 8 was a little hard on everyone's digestive system. I think though that if we ran at 10 pm it would be okay. I guess for Disney as long as we are done eating our last "meal" before 6:15 pm we will be fine. I also had a massage on Friday which I think messed up my run a little to. My massages aren't the relax and be pampered type....they are the painful and make my body work type. I've had a really stiff neck lately, I don't know if I'm just carrying stress or all the impaction on my spine is finally catching up after this summer of mega running. All my other weird muscle stuff is happening as well. My piriformis is still a mess, my post tib tendons (both ankles) are acting up a bit, you know it's the end of a long training summer. Good thing this week is fairly easy (2 x 3 mile runs).
Saturday I got on my bike again and did a ride with my friend Kim. on Friday night (about 6 miles), ride on Saturday morning. Maybe not the best plan. Usually our shortest rides are 30 miles...because that is our base. However we (read I) decided to do a 20 mile ride. N. Raleigh is hilly and taking to much time off my bike makes it harder. YIKES. Okay so at least the average wasn't to bad....even though it didn't feel great while I was riding. 16.8 mph. Kim had a faster ride, but she's a better rider than I am. Also she was very gracious to let me end a little early, and just happy to have someone out there riding with her. Kim's Mom was in a pretty major bike accident (which I talked about earlier on here) and had to have an elbow replacement along with other things happen because of it. Needless to say, it gets scary to get on your bike after watching someone you love go through that.
(me at the spot we decided to turn around, notice the nice glisten on my shoulders!)
(Kim at the turn around spot)
Ahhh but now the rain is here. I'm not complaining, as we really need the rain. It might change up the chance of riding more for me, as I don't ride in the rain. I will however run in the rain....even though I don't like soggy feet.
Tonight I'm running at the nOg run club....rain or shine....not sure that my friends will join me in the rain but everyone has their own comfort level!!*smiles*
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