So last weekend I went down to White Lake to cheer on some friends who were racing. 2 friends had done the 1/2 Ironman (70.3) on Saturday. The temperatures were ridiculous, highs in the 90's with tons of humidity. Not the most ideal racing weather, but then racing in the summer in North Carolina is just like this. On Sunday (the day I actual went down to cheer), was the sprint distance tri. I had 3 friends racing this distance (this day). So what I have to say is that all my friends are ROCK STARS!! Truly amazing athletes.
(My Rock Star friend on her bike going an average of 20.5 mph...yeah that's fast!!)
I LOVE cheering on my friends in races. There is a good way to cheer and not so good way to cheer. First and foremost going out to cheer people is AWESOME no matter how you do it. BUT...I think of cheering as an ART....sorta. I do go out to cheer on my friends...but that doesn't mean I'm not going to cheer on everyone else racing as well. Good things to say when cheering...Looking good, nice pace, you got this, WOO HOO, and a lot of cow bell. Not good things to say: your almost there (when you clearly are not almost there, not saying anything. I usually try to think about how I'm feeling when I get to whatever part of the race that I'm cheering at and think of what I want people to say. I usually don't want to many words just cheering and COW BELL! I like being told I'm amazing (even if I don't feel like while I'm racing) makes me go faster and feel stronger, makes me feel like I have to keep up the charade, which ultimately gets me through the race!!*smiles*
(After getting their awards...they all placed)
(Getting ready for the swim start)
(Finishing the run...she's a speed demon)
I am racing in a month and welcome any cheerers out there that want to ring a little COW BELL. I will be racing with friends and although it's a race I'll be cheering them on as we go along (if I see any of them...I did say they are all ROCK STARS), I'm sure they'll be cheering me on as well (except the more competitive one who might be thinking bad thoughts toward me, but only for the race! *winks*). More on that to come!!
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